Artist: V/A
Title: Ai! Si! Si!
Style: R&B and Jump Blues - Doo Wop
Customer reviews:

In the mid 50's, the Mambo craze was all over the USA Anything that had the word Mambo in the title, latin percussions and at least one Spanish word in its lyrics became suddenly cool.
It didn't take long to the labels to jump on the wagon and Doo-Wop and Rhythm'n'Blues bands quickly adapted their sets to fit this new market.
This cd retraces this period, when bands and artists like Ivory Joe Hunter, Ruth Brown, The Platters, The Drifters, The Penguins tried themselves to this new kind of music.
The result is more than just a curiosity, because this bands, while integrating new elements and rhythms to their sound stayed true to their identity, creating a new hybrid at their turn.
One highly enjoyable compilation that brings a smile on your face and rhythm in your feet.
Available here.
Fred "Virgil" Turgis - Jumpin from 6 to 6